Baby boy is one. ONE year old. Even though he is a year, a week and some change I still find my self saying to him.... you are one?! I can't believe it's been 12 months with this lil bubber already. There are days when we feel like this past year has taken it's sweet time, but then moments where it seems like it has gone so darn quick that I find myself grasping for every memory so I don't forget anything. It's funny as I sit here and write this, because to be honest- I started this post on his actual birth day....February 17th.... and here we are on the 28th, but yet- I think there was a reason that I held off- and that reason being that he wanted to give me one more reason to look at him and be in absolute awe at just how strong he is (even for a one year old). Because he did...... but more on that in the next post. This post is dedicated strictly to the celebrating the last 365 days and all that they have brought us. They have been beautiful. That is all that I can say about the past year is that it has been wonderful to have this little man be in our world.
To be frank- this little man named Easton is my hero. He has been called an old soul many times, and people have said that he looks like a little man, and I feel it in me- that at the ripe old age of one this little boy knows more about the world than I do at 28. He amazes me, and I love every single thing about him. I love the way that when he meets someone new- he looks deep in their eyes and studies them before he cracks a smile (he's a little easier on the ladies, well, because he's a ladies man) - I love his sweet little personality, and his new found fiestiness. I love the fact that when Code and I are talking about his future, we know he'll be just fine. I love how he can make us feel that way. He is already reassuring us of his endless possibilities and he can not even speak..... but we can feel it. I loooooovee the way he loves music, and leans his little forehead in to my cheek when I sing. I love the pointing, I love the picture perfect temper tantrums that usually end with him peaking up to make sure I'm looking with a smirk.....well, I may not love them at the moment- but a few minutes later, I am sure to smile. What can I say, this little boy has got me- and I am so glad.
On his actual birth day I think my favorite thing he did was he stayed up super late for some reason....... He was so tired but would not give in and it was a little after 9 and all of a sudden he got so silly- snuggling, giggling and rubbing my face- I mean he was being ridiculously cute and sweet- and although he didn't make it until the minute he was born- he came so close- and it was the sweetest count down to his to-the-minute-birthday I could have ever asked for. So there we were rocking in the playroom when he was born a year ago- and all I could remember was that sweet little puppy like squeak he let out when they lifted him out. That sweet boy.
first taste of cupcake on the 17th
kiss this face? absolutely.
miss caidence helping miss nora
nizz's creation
our creations
Happy 1st Birthday Easton
Sissy and Thurman waiting for the kiddos to arrive
there's a whole lotta pregnant mamas in this picture- yay for more babies!
e's boys
because he's cute- "Happy Birthday take 2"
with no afo's..... not really sure if it's legal, but he was doing it!
gigi and nae
nora with her lil squeeze
and i mean really- how cute is this?
rosalie :)
a lil daddy love
and sweet Avery
the cuz's
whooped, but loving life
kiss this face?..... maybe not. This right here is caidence's creation- not really my vision, but I let her do her
thing.... sometimes it's better to just let them take over :) presents with the family <3
peek a boo with the fam
and finally "Happy Birthday" take 3 with the family
and that right there was our 4 day Birthday extravaganza..... it was so nice to see everyone, and be with everyone on our sweet baby's first birthday. Thank you all so much for celebrating with us- it means so much to us, we are so blessed and we love you all :)
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